Paraísos Baixo o Lixo

Proxecto Tarabelo

Educational programmes on cultural heritage, the environment and human rights

Educational programme “Muíños e regatos: Paraísos baixo o lixo”

The aim is for students to learn about the natural heritage of their surroundings and to achieve their active participation in the conservation of the environment and our cultural heritage.

This transversal programme was selected as one of the most innovative programmes by the scientific council of the “III Jornadas de Educación Patrimonial”; organised by the Consellería de Educación, the Dirección General de Patrimonio and the USC.

Programme Lendaria

Cultural gymkhana in which legends and their relationship with our natural, ethnographic and archaeological heritage are presented.

Educational programme “Coidando do entorno e das persoas”

The activities are designed to make students aware of the environmental impacts on human rights.

Another objective is for students to discover responsible consumption alternatives and how we can move towards a circular and sustainable economy.

The two previous educational programmes are transversal and key competences are put into practice to train people involved in the improvement of their environment and in the defence of Human Rights, in the exercise of the so-called global citizenship.

Cultural heritage recovery projects

What do the Cultural Heritage recovery projects consist of?

These comprehensive projects consist of an initial phase of inventorying ethnographic heritage elements, research in historical archives and the collection of the associated intangible heritage through interviews with older people.

One objective of this phase is to promote the self-esteem of the people interviewed and to make them feel that the work is intended to pay tribute to them, fostering an attitude of gratitude for the efforts of past generations.

After these first phases, the projects have a phase with proposals to enhance the value of this heritage, such as the recovery of old paths that connect the ethnological and archaeological heritage, while serving as pedestrian mobility alternatives for citizens and visitors.

Our Cultural Heritage recovery work

Since we have an interdisciplinary team, we can also carry out the works projects for the conditioning of paths and the consolidation of ruins or reconstruction of some of the elements.

We also offer the town councils a legal intermediation service to sign the transfer documents with the owners of the mills and plots of land on which the trails are planned.

During the development of all the projects, activities are organised to involve the educational community in particular and the general public.

Cultural and environmental heritage routes

Cultural routes in Vigo​

These routes will show you the amazing natural and cultural heritage of the metropolitan area of Vigo.

During these routes you will also discover our intangible heritage, such as legends, customs, trades, construction techniques, songs, dances and mythological characters associated with the mills, mámoas, forts, fountains and crags.

Night-time and personalised routes

Walking through nature at night is another way to discover the mysteries and charm of our land: the unusual Galicia.

We also design personalised routes with a guide service that provides an immersive experience. From Tarabelo project we are convinced that what is most valuable is the most unknown and hidden.

Teaching Vocational Training for Employment and competitive examinations
  • Environmental awareness courses
  • Courses on equality between women and men
  • Courses in data protection
  • Preparation for competitive examinations
Volunteering and community outreach

Environmental volunteering and cultural heritage recovery activities form part of environmental and social transformation projects in which the involvement and collaboration between citizens, public administrations and the educational community is sought.

Legal advice and training

Advice on civil and administrative law

Our experience is backed up by professional successes such as the decision in cassation appeal no. 145/2013, brought before the Supreme Court, resulting in a ruling on the unification of doctrine, with repercussions in the media due to its impact on the jurisprudence on accidents at work.

Privacy and data protection policies design

We help websites like Peri to comply with privacy and data protection regulations and ensure that their practices are ethical and respect users’ privacy.

The privacy and data protection policy design service serves to secure user information, comply with current regulations and maintain a trustworthy image in terms of data protection.

Entities we work with

Concello de Redondela


Diputación de Pontevedra – Pontegal

Obradoiro Fernando Monroy

Obradoiro de Estudos Locais Fernando Monroy

IES do Castro
IES do Castro de Vigo
IES Illa de San Simón

IES do Castro de Vigo

IES Pedro Floriani

IES Pedro Floriani

IES A Guía

IES A Guía

IES de Teis

IES de Teis

Colexio Paraixal

CEIP Paraixal

IES Eduardo Pondal

CEIP Eduardo Pondal

C.E.I.P. San Salvador

CEIP San Salvador de Teis

CEIP Frian

CEIP Frian

Monte da guía

EEI Plurilingüe Monte da Guía

CEIP Bouza brey

Colexio Plurilingüe Bouza Brey

CEIP O pombal

CEIP O Pombal

CEIP Vicente Risco

CEIP Vicente Risco

CEIP Igrexa Candeán

CEIP Igrexa Candean

CEIP de Laredo

CEIP de Laredo

CEIP igrexa Chapela

CEIP Igrexa Chapela

CEIP Alexandre Bóveda

CEIP Alexandre Bóveda

CEIP de Cedeira

CEIP de Cedeira

Outeiro das Penas

CEIP Outeiro das Penas


CEIP Atín-Cela de Mos

IES Mendilogo

IES Mendiño


Asociación Rande Patrimonio Europeo (ARPE)

Asociación Alén nós Redondela

Asociación Alén Nós


A Citania Arqueoloxía, S.L.

Unión Deportiva de Candeán

Asociación U.C.V. Deportiva de Candeán

Asociación de veciños do Calvario

Asociación de Veciños do Calvario

Asociación de Veciños Agarimo San Xoan Poulo
Asociación de Veciños Agarimo San Xoan Poulo
Asociación Veciñal de Teis

Asociación Veciñal de Teis

Asociación de Veciños de Chapela

Asociación de Veciños de Chapela

Asociación Veciñal de Cedeira
Asociación de Veciños San Bernardo de Cedeira
Artista Peri Helio

Peri Helio Artist

Comunidad de Montes de Teis

Comunidade de Montes de Teis


2020: Co-author of the paper published by the United Nations University Institute for the Advanced Study of Sustainability (UNU-IAS). Título: Transformative change in peri-urban SEPLS and green infraestructure strategies: An analysis from the local to the regional scales in Galicia (NW Spain)“. 

ISBN 978-981-33-6760-9.

2019:  Educational program “Muiños e regatos: Paraísos Baixo o lixo” published by the University of Santiago de Compostela (Research group RODA) and the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage of the Department of Culture and Tourism of the Xunta de Galicia. ISBN: 978-84-09-17963-3.

2019:Inventario de canastros, cruceiros, portóns, fontes, lavadoiros e muíños de Cesantes”. Fernando Monroy Local Studies Workshop. Redondela City Council and Pontevedra Provincial Council. ISBN: 978-84-09-17602-1

Donations / Sponsors

If you think it is important that our work is sustainable over time and that we can continue to protect the natural environment and our cultural heritage, please make a contribution through the following channels:

– If you are a company and/or would like to make a large donation, please contact us by email:

– You can also make your donations through Bizum, on 680 71 89 52.

– If you prefer, you can make a deposit or transfer to the following Triodos Bank account*: ES51 1491 0001 2820 8976 4613. In the concept remember to put the phrase: “Donation for Proxecto Tarabelo”.

*This entity is classified as an ethical bank.


This school year we continue with the activities of recovery of the native forest, this time with the students of the IES of Chapela and in the communal forest of this parish, which gave this large plot to obtain a future forest park in Chapela, which will serve as a recreation area for citizens and as a place for out door training. This area is privileged for its proximity to the football field of Chapela, for its panoramic views of the estuary and also because it is next to the source of the river Pugariño. This river flows into Arealonga beach and is home to some impressive mills with aqueducts and monumental well buckets. Each tree planted is marked with the name of the students who planted it, so that people respect the effort of the students and that when they grow up they can walk around and feel proud to say: “I planted this tree”, so we ask for the collaboration of the citizens to take care of this space.

These activities are fundamental to ensure that young people are able to differentiate our riverside trees, our fruit trees and other native trees. We also seek that through the individual and group effort of the students, they become more deeply connected with our forests and participate in their care in the future.

We would like to give special recognition to the Community of Montes de Chapela, who authorised the planting on their land where there used to be eucalyptus and acacia trees. We are also grateful for the collaboration of the Redondela Town Council, which provided 100 trees to carry out this environmental education activity.

We provide below the links to the news of the media that echoed the activity:

To contract these services, please write to or call 680 718 952.